Sunday, August 21, 2011

Scratching in Dogs

The health-related term often used by veterinarians for intense scratching in dogs is pruritus. Itchy skin in canines usually is not cause for alarm, but if it gets to be intensive it may be a sign of a more severe disorder. There are some various skin problems in dogs that can be the cause of the scratching and itching. If a dog's itchy skin is inciting the occurrence of more skin issues including soreness and reddening of your pet's skin, skin openings and hair loss, or you witness the animal biting or chewing at his feet, then the animal should be brought to a veterinarian for analysis for each of these are signs and symptoms of a more serious skin issue. If it is not treated, the animal's itching and scratching might possibly lead to infections. Even though any breed of canine could develop pruritus, Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers and Westies tend to have a greater number of manifestations than other varieties of dog.

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The Causes of Scratching in Dogs

Itchy skin in dogs happens due to a chemical reaction that occurs at or just beneath the surface of the skin. In situations where it is uncontrollable, it is often a signal that the canine is being impacted by at least one of a variety of skin problems of a much more significant nature.

Intensive scratching in dogs might possibly be a warning sign of these skin problems:
  • Flea dermatitis is the most frequent cause of dog allergies. When a flea bites an animal, it leaves a little bit of saliva under the skin resulting in a chemical reaction that leads to scratching in dogs.
  • Inhalant allergies are also a common cause of scratching in dogs. This allergy is comparable to asthma and hay fever in people. Whenever the canine breathes in allergens such as dust, molds and pollen, it prompts an allergic response from the dog's immune system. This kind of allergy can also give rise to breathing conditions as well as causing a dog's scratching.
  • One more kind of allergy that isn't as common but is a source of scratching in dogs is an allergy to food. Food Allergies are triggered by the animal ingesting food or a food constituent that it is sensitive to.
  • We can also include scabies in the list of skin disorders in canines that can lead to itching. Scabies, medically known as sarcoptic mange, is caused by a mite burrowing just beneath the skin of the dog. The mite survives on material on or beneath the skin of the animal producing intensive and ceaseless scratching.
  • Yeast and bacteria infections can likewise be the source of a canine's scratching problems. Infections are normally brought on by open sores and abrasions that are not suitably being cleaned. Mites in the ears frequently produce this sort of skin condition in canines.
Diagnosing Skin Problems in Dogs

Identifying the reason why a dog is itching has frequently proven to be very difficult for both dog owners and veterinarians. To identify the cause of the problem, different exams and treatments could possibly have to be run meaning that diagnosis might take somewhere between a couple of weeks to a number of months. Based upon the animal's physical signs and health-related background, the vet will perform a number of laboratory screens which often include extracting samples of blood, scrapings of the skin, getting culture samples and doing a biopsy of the skin.

How to Treat Scratching in Dogs

Even if the fundamental source of scratching in dogs is unknown, there are treatments out there to repair the animal's skin and put an end to the itching and scratching. The vet might possibly recommend shampoos, antihistamines, skin creams or perhaps immunotherapy in milder instances. In even more severe circumstances, he might propose treatment utilizing steroids. Steroids have been known to cause unwanted side effects such as urinary incontinence, shortness of breath and dehydration, and prolonged use can bring about the development of diabetes or Cushing's disease in canines, so if you do plan to utilize them, do so with great care. Many dogs could have to have lifelong treatment for their skin disorder.

Natural Remedies for Scratching in Dogs

A lof of small animal clinics are currently recommending all-natural canine itching remedies as a safe and milder form of therapy. It is an alternative to taking corticosteroids and other types of remedies that could bring about unwanted side effects. You can select from a number of safe and effective holistic canine itch remedies that give dogs a lot of hoped for relief by restoring the dog's hair in addition to purifying and healing the canine's skin.

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